Everywhere the dear earth
Blossoms in spring and grows green again!
Everywhere and forever the distance shines bright and blue! Forever, and forever… 

Our Solo is a trip back to the past and memories of it. The performance “recycles” elements from various pieces in Croizé and Guilloteau’s repertoire, including “‘The Farewell,” a 2009 solo by Croizé based on the sixth and final movement (Der Abschied) of Gustav Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde.

In Der Abschied, the fleetingness of the present symbolizes the fragility of life. Croizé and Guilloteau wondered what it would mean to create Das Lied today, when our relationship to the earth has become so fraught with guilt and anxiety. Despite our burdened relationship with the earth, can we still achieve a romantic sense of peace and trust in nature? In doing so, both artists sought a sense of wholeness, not (only) in nature, as Mahler did, but (also) in the microcosm of artistic creation. In Our Solo, the entire creation is reduced to that artistic microcosm: something small enough to grasp, but large enough to contain our solitude.

Set to the tones of poppy English lyrics – set to music by violinist Aisha Orzabayeva – Our Solo sounds and looks like a heartwarming musical dance dialogue full of hope…. like an antidote that makes us transcend our fear of loneliness and, in all simplicity and vulnerability, offers us new connections.

Choreography: Claire Croizé and Etienne Guilloteau – Dance: Claire Croizé – Composition: Aisha Orazbayeva – Light: Hans Meijer – Sound creation: Roeland Luyten – Sound tour: Antoine Délagoutte – Costumes: Anne-Catherine Kunz with assistance from Chiara Mazzarolo

Our Solo is a production of ECCE vzw, in co-production with STUK, Kaaitheater and Perpodium, supported by Flemish Community and Tax shelter of the Belgian Federal Government.

Thanks to STUK, Kaaitheater, Concertgebouw Brugge, Ultima Vez, Destelheide, JOJI inc, Great Investment and Ictus.

© Beeldstorm / Jan Bosteels


CC Palethe (Zinnezaal)


zaterdag 19 oktober om 15.30 uur


50 minuten


19 oktober

20 oktober