iRRooTTaa (Premiere)
Grensgeval & Circus Katoen

OORtreders Festival 2024

A mass of white ceramic balls overwhelm two acrobats. The balls are far from perfect: not quite round, all uneven, way too many. They roll around drumming, jump in all directions, suddenly fizzle up inside their mouth or stick irrevocably to the ceiling.

iRRooTTaa is a stimulating aural and visual circus performance by Grensgeval and Circus Katoen, for everyone aged 4 and up. It is an ode to the “drop,” an invitation not to keep all of the balls in the air all the time. Because sometimes just dropping them presents a host of new possibilities. Failure is allowed. The rules change, too. Because who knows, maybe playing life just becomes much more fun if we can let it slip between our fingers every once in a while.

As part of OORtreders, iRRooTTaa will also be played twice as a school performance on Friday 18 October.

Acting & acrobatics (in alternating duos): Sophie van der Vuurst de Vries, Willem Balduyck, Liza Van Brakel and Keivin Benavides Hidalgo – Ball design: Alice De Smet – Lighting design: Geert Vanoorlé – Assistant director and production: Leonie Moreels (internship) – Production and tour management: Suzanne Hendrikse

iRRooTTaa is a concept by Hanne Vandersteene, Mahlu Mertens, Sophie van der Vuurst de Vries and Willem Balduyck, supported by the Flemish Community, Miramiro, PERPLX, Circuswerkplaats Dommelhof, C-TAKT, Musica Impulscentrum, Perpodium, Tax Shelter and Cirque Théâtre Elbeuf.


CC Palethe (Zinnezaal)


Saturday 19 October at 2:00 pm


60 minutes


19 October

20 October