
Het Klankenbos

Forest Game Tandroor

Collect all Tandroor words and discover the secret of Tandroor in Klankenbos!

The forest game Tandroor is only available in Dutch.

Listen carefully, sharpen your ears and follow the sound trail of Tandroor.

Take your time, do not lose time… at infopoint Radio Forest you will find a sound map that you can use. On your way, you will encounter sound installations hidden in the greenery and at seven stops, you will discover a short game and accompanying word.

Are you able to collect all the words and turn them into a sentence that you can sing? Then you have unraveled the secret of Het Klankenbos, which indicates the secret location of the treasure!

You can participate for free every day. You can find sound maps in Infopoint Radio Forest or download it here, to print at home. Disinfectant hand gel is available at the Infopoint. Dress for the weather, because the game takes place outdoors! Keep in mind: some stops/sound installations are (more) difficult to reach with a pushchair.

For whom

For everyone from 5 years and up, play with your family or with a large group in teams


1 hours




The starting point is the info point in Radio Forest, behind the Musica office (Toekomstlaan 5B, 3910 Pelt)


It is not necessary to book in advance

This game is only available in Dutch

Concept, illustrations & game by Appelsien + Ananas:

Make a day trip out of your visit and combine the forest game with a snack and drink at restaurant Oud Dommelhof, let the children take a break at the nearby playground De Scoutsrally, have your lunch on one of the picnic benches or take a nice walk in Nature Reserve Het Hageven- De Plateaux (5 km away).

In the spotlight



hEAR DROPS #21: Singing the Game

The latest hEAR DROPS video Singing the Game focuses on the voice. Throughout the day we often make quite a lot of expressive sounds as we support many of our activities with our voice. For example, to imitate other sounds, to illustrate a movement, to express joy, surprise, disappointment or during a special effort. These sounds often lead to spontaneous good use of the voice, even in those who would otherwise not be inclined to sing. You can use these expressive sounds as a trigger to get from there to real singing. For example, imitating each other’s voices can be a good exercise to warm up and even to get over your fear of singing together.

hEAR DROPS is known for each episode containing an ‘artlink’ to a work or artist. This particular episode highlights Mosquito Massacre from Bugs Opus 93 by Paul Patterson (2003).

The colour scheme of this episode was inspired by Flemish painter Gustave Van de Woestyne’s painting Deeske (1902).

This episode is the result of a collaboration between Musica and Stavanger University in the context of the Erasmus+ project SenseSquared, co-funded by the European Union.

In the spotlight


OORtreders Festival 

A unique participation project for amateur horn players

Discover Across the Distance

Are you a passionate horn player? Musica Impulse Centre invites you to take part in the participative project Across the Distance as part of OORtreders Festival from 18 to 20 October 2024.

This project, inspired by the visionary composition of American master John Luther Adams, is steeped in the search for authenticity and connection. Adams’ masterpiece Across the Distance for eight horns, invites participants to merge with nature and space, while conveying a powerful message of unity.

Between 24 and 32 passionate horn players will rehearse this impressive composition under the expert guidance of the Korpus Quartet. The climax of our adventure? Its performance during OORtreders Festival on Saturday 19 October 2024 at 6 pm, amidst Het Klankenbos in Pelt.

For whom

24 to 32 (amateur) horn players (students from the third grade, horn players active in harmonies or brass bands, conservatory students and even professionals are welcome! In short all or those who have the passion and determination to participate in this unique project.


13 October 2024: rehearsal from 2 to 4 pm

19 October 2024: rehearsal from 1 pm + performance at 6 pm


Het Klankenbos, Pelt


Would you like to participate? Register now via our registration form.

Besides the indescribable experience of being part of this extraordinary project, participants will also receive free tickets to a number of OORtreders Festival performances.

More information

Feel free to contact Stijn Boeve, artistic coordinator at Musica, at

In the spotlight


Wouter Van Looy becomes new general and artistic director Musica Impulse Centre

We are pleased to welcome Wouter Van Looy as the new general and artistic director of Musica Impulse Centre. He will combine this position with his role as artistic director at Zonzo Compagnie and his career as a director. It is a familiar return for Wouter, who in the past was artistic coordinator at Mallemuze, a former sub-organisation of Musica.

Wouter is an active player in the international opera and music theatre world, as well as director in residence at Muziektheater Transparant. He has created work for young audiences as founder and artistic director of Zonzo Compagnie and the BIG BANG Festival, an innovative music festival for this target group.

We are confident that Wouter will give the operations of Musica the necessary innovative impulses and further develop Musica into a leading organisation within the (inter)national music landscape.

The Musica team looks forward to a successful cooperation with Wouter and appreciates the commitment from you, our loyal partners.

In the spotlight


Art Educator in Residence

WANTED: writers, actors, musicians for a musical theater performance at Kiel

“The Kiel comes to a story”, a musical theater performance at the Kiel.

Do you have a passion for writing, acting or making music ? Would you like to make a performance together? Then this call is for you! We are looking for diverse talents to create a compelling musical theater performance together.

Age, experience, gender, native language – it doesn’t matter! Do you not speak Dutch very well yet? No problem. We believe that diversity can enrich a creative process. We invite everyone to be part of this creative adventure.

What you can expect:

  • Collaboration with inspiring artists and supervisors.
  • Workshops to develop your artistic skills.
  • A space where everyone’s story is heard.
  • The opportunity to perform twice in front of an audience.


From 25 January to 28 March 2024 , always on Thursdays from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm. Performance in Co Nova on Friday evening 29 March. Performance in DE SINGEL on Saturday evening 18 May.


In Co Nova on the Kiel in Antwerp (rehearsing and playing) and DE SINGEL (playing).

For whom

Anyone who wants to make theater and/or music. Artistic experience or knowledge of Dutch not required.


Mira Bertels (musician and theater maker) and Michael Vergauwen (actor and theater maker)




Interested? Trial lesson on January 18 2024 from 1 to 3 pm in Co Nova. Feel free to come and meet us and see if it is something for you. Register for a trial lesson: email or send a WhatsApp message to 0032 485 88 37 97

Art Educator in Residence is a talent development project of Musica Impulse Centre, Royal Conservatoire Antwerp and DE SINGEL International Arts Campus.

In the spotlight



Unleash your creativity during the Spring holidays

Sound detectives game: Make the Invisible Audible

Teens aged 12 and 16 beware! Do you have a passion for music, love adventure games and want to explore the world of sounds? Then this is your chance! Join a unique three-day adventure during the Spring holidays and work with a musician and a visual artist to create a sound detective game for all visitors to the Tabloo Landscape Park in Dessel.

This exciting event offers teenagers the opportunity to unleash their creativity as they explore, collaborate with a musician and a visual artist, and create an immersive sound detective game for all visitors to the park.

This is your chance to share your passion for music and adventure and build an unforgettable sound detective game with other teenagers.


From Monday 12 to Wednesday 14 February 2024, from 10 am to 4 pm

Don’t hesitate and register today via this link for an unforgettable adventure full of creativity and fun.

In the spotlight


Bring adventure into your home and enrich your life!

From 1 September 2023, we expanded our team with two new volunteers. We are looking for a host family near Pelt, preferably in northern Limburg, to give Fernando Tarrancón from Spain a home for the whole year.

Meet Fernando

Fernando has a passion for music, piano playing and reciting poetry on open stages. Fernando has decided to put aside his job in Spain for a while and volunteer for new adventures.

On the right, watch the video in which Fernando introduces himself to you.

What Fernando expects

During his stay in Belgium, Fernando is looking forward to discovering our culture, learning Dutch and meeting new people. But above all, he hopes to build a close relationship with his host family. Fernando is known for his caring and responsibility, both for others and for the things around him. As he says himself, he has “lots of love to give”!

What we offer

AFS Flanders covers his medical and personal expenses. Fernando receives a daily allowance to enjoy in his free time.

Contact us

Do you have any questions or would you like to participate in this amazing adventure? Contact soon and welcome Fernando to your world.

In the spotlight


hEAR DROPS  Parcours


The latest hEAR DROPS video @ASTRA focuses on cosmic sounds. Immerse yourself in the different energies of the universe. Be inspired by the musical material of one of the planets and explore, experiment and improvise together. What does your universe sound like? There are probably undiscovered planets. What would they sound like, and what might be typical of such a planet?

hEAR DROPS is known for each episode containing an ‘artlink’ to a work or artist. This particular episode highlights the performance Babelut Parcours @ASTRA. Babelut Parcours is a musical journey of discovery for children aged 0 to 5. Musicians take children and their parents/carers on an experiential journey full of musical interaction, musical theatre and sound installations. In this way, we sharpen all the senses and keep young ears stimulated. The video of Babelut Parcours @ASTRA will be available at a later date.

Babelut Parcours is a concept of Musica Impulse Centre. @ASTRA is a co-production of Musica and C-TAKT.

In the spotlight



Successful completion of Erasmus+ CACAO project

A harmonious interweaving of cell biology and music in early childhood education

Musica is delighted to share with you the positive results of the recently completed Erasmus+ CACAO project. Together with our international partners, we have seamlessly interwoven the fields of cell biology and music in the context of early childhood education.

The Cell Biology and Art Class Omnibus project (CACAO) brought together a diverse group of researchers, artists, educators and experts in technology-enhanced learning from seven European countries. Drawing on their collective expertise, they developed a unique curriculum for 5-year-old preschoolers that brings together cell biology, music, dance and visual arts. Musica, with its musical translations of biological concepts and processes, played a central role in connecting the two disciplines. Together, these experts enriched the essential skills, knowledge and awareness of preschool teachers.

An important outcome of the study was the participation of three nursery schools from Poland, Italy and Croatia. Each school represented a different teaching approach. Throughout the study by Juraj Dobrila University in Pula (HR), each school was subject to a different teaching approach; there was one group that followed the standard curriculum, another that received pure biology lessons, and a third that was introduced to biological concepts and processes through musical forms. Moreover, music was not merely used instrumentally to learn about biology. Conversely, biology was also used to learn about music from the inside out. Biological concepts such as evolution, homeostasis or learning processes in the brain gave rise to musical-creative forms of work.

At the beginning of the project, each child was presented with a series of questions, a mix of both biological concepts and more mundane topics. At the end of the programme, the same set of questions was presented again.

The results were plainly remarkable. The first group showed minimal improvement in understanding questions. This may have been due to the simple fact that the children had now grown older and gained more knowledge from their environment. The second group showed a moderate increase in their knowledge of biology. The third group, which had intertwined music and biology, showed a spectacular increase in basic knowledge about biology! In addition, parents reported a significant increase in children’s intrinsic motivation and simply the desire to go to school.

The study underlines the effectiveness of integrating music into biology education and shows a significant positive impact on cognitive development and knowledge retention in preschoolers. Apparently, from their more sensory-bodied approach, the musical work forms had an integrative effect on children’s knowledge acquisition.

As we celebrate the success of the Erasmus+ CACAO project, we look forward to further discussions on the wider implications of this innovative approach to early childhood education.

In the spotlight



The Times Academy 2023-2024 launch

An innovative cocreation project in the world of contemporary music

This month The Times Academy was launched. This unique cocreation project acts as a follow-up project to SoundMine 2023 in which four talented composers are coached and guided in the development process of their new composition for ensemble and electronics.

The Times Academy is the exciting result of a productive collaboration between Musica, HERMESensemble, Nemø Ensemble, Centre Henri Pousseur and Matrix.

During several work sessions, the selected composers will have the opportunity to further explore and refine their creative vision. The result of their efforts will not only be heard at the HERMESstudio in Antwerp at the end of June, but also during SoundMine 2024, scheduled for early July.

In the spotlight