Course for young curators in music and sound art

In the quiet depths, Spring’s source whispers,
Leaping into life, in boundless rivers,
Coiled potential, tension’s silent hum,
Spring bursts forth, in a symphony of sum.

Are you a young curator with a passion for music and sound art? Do you want to shape the cultural landscape and create impactful experiences for audiences? This is your chance to delve into the world of curation and gain invaluable skills to lead a curated event at the renowned Concertgebouw Brugge in Belgium.

We are pleased to announce a course tailored for aspiring music curators between 22 and 27 years old. Running from 15 to 20 October 2024, this intensive programme will give participants the tools and insights needed to curate the happening Up and Coming during the Spring is in the air festival at Concertgebouw Brugge on 22 March 2025.

The new music world is often seen as cut off from ‘the real world’ in an ivory tower of institutionally protected experimentalism. Like most contemporary creative sectors, contemporary music needs to think hard and deeply about the ingrained power structures that perpetuate all kinds of exclusion in favour of Eurocentric aesthetics and performance practices.

The course explores different approaches to curation using key concepts such as institutional structures, archival practices, inclusion and historical dynamics. Questions addressed in the course include the importance of inclusion in curation practice, who one curates for and what the musical past, present and future look like. In this way, emerging curators are offered a rare space to reflect and exchange on their role in art and society, in a unique musical context. The course is also hands-on, working towards curating at Concertgebouw Brugge for the following spring, with individual and collective responsibilities central to the working process.

Concertgebouw Brugge’s seasonal dramaturgy focuses on themes relating to different stages of life, including the metaphorical season of spring in one’s life. In this context, the festival Spring is in the air specifically highlights this season. The thematic focus on spring, which symbolises renewal and growth, coincides with the spring equinox, which lends itself to ritual interpretation. It also provides an opportunity to embrace and integrate different cultural celebrations of the season.

Spring can be interpreted in several ways: as a time of renewal, growth, awakening and flowering; as a spring, a source of water, essential for life; as a leap, representing physical movement and change; and as a symbol of pent-up or potential energy, akin to a coiled object. We actively encourage a multidisciplinary interpretation of the theme and welcome different artistic expressions and perspectives.

As part of Sounds Now, co-funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe programme.

For whom

Artists, curators, musicians, composers, activists, scholars or other cultural professionals with an interest and passion for musical programming that goes beyond genre stereotypes and who perceive their work as being engaged with critical issues of social diversity and inclusion. Candidates need not have a university or professional degree in the arts. The selection committee will give priority to candidates who demonstrate a strong interest in and commitment to the themes and questions addressed in the call.

Age between 22 and 27 years

Participants must be able to attend presentations and participate in workshops in English.

Be a resident of the EU or the UK. Applicants do not need to be European nationals, but must be resident in the EU or the UK.


15 October: Arrival in Bruges

16 October: Tour of Concertgebouw Brugge, introduction to the Spring Festival themed workshops. Departure to Pelt.

17-19 October: Working days filled with workshops, reflection sessions and discussions led by experts. In the evening, enjoy the OORtreders festival in Pelt.

20 October: Participation in the Sounds Now symposium in Leuven, followed in the evening by a concert at the Transit Festival.

Throughout the course, participants will draw inspiration from esteemed figures such as meLê yamomo and Irene Revell, alongside inspiring sessions with creating artists. We emphasise diversity and inclusion and welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and experiences.


There is no cost to participate in the course. Travel and accommodation costs are covered by Sounds Now.

Participants do not receive a fee for attending the course.

Participants will receive an honorarium for developing their project after the course.


Send a cover letter explaining why you would like to participate in the course, together with your CV, to

Closing date for applications: 15 August 2024

Results around first of September 2024


From Tuesday 15 to Sunday 20 October 2024


Concertgebouw Brugge, Provincial Domain Dommelhof, Pelt & Leuven

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