Babelut Route 2024

Babelut Workshops 

In the Babelut Route training programme, you will learn, from Musica’s unique vision on musicality, how to build musical communication with the target group of 0-to-5-year-olds. The emphasis is on practice with plenty of hands-on exercises, but always underpinned by a theoretical framework. Afterwards, you get to work on developing your own musical work forms, which you can also test in a try-out.

For whom

Anyone who wants to work musically with the very young: child supervisors, nursery school teachers, parents, (amateur) musicians


Teachers: Loes Bruyninckx, Hans Van Regenmortel and Sarah Verhulst

Artistic coordinator: Loes Bruyninckx


Day 1, 2 and 3 (Formula 1): 297.00 euro

The full course (Formula 2): 495.00 euro


Registration until Friday 22 November 2024

For registration or more info:


28 & 29 November 2024, from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm

Perspectives on musicality

Communication with the very young

Musical development

Music and movement in young children

5 December 2024, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Musical play and observation

12 & 13 December 2024, from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm

Developing musical activity/workshop

Try-out sessions and feedback


Thursday 28 & Friday 29 November, Thursday 5 December and Thursday 12 & Friday 13 December 2024


AMUZ, Antwerp (28 & 29 November)

De Winkelhaak, Antwerp (5 and 12 & 13 December)

Babelut Workshops 

For babies, toddlers and preschoolers, music is one big experiment. To respond to this, Musica organises workshops in which you as a parent or carer enter into a musical dialogue with your child, discovering all about the sound of voice and body. The music teacher guides you and ensures that spontaneity and play are central. […]

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